Types of E-Commerce Images & When to Use Them

Types of E-commerce Images

There are many different types of e-commerce images and each type has its own unique purpose in advertising. Understanding how to best use those styles can help increase your conversion rates.

In this article, you’ll learn the 10 different types of e-commerce images and how they can help with your marketing efforts.

Images are one of the most influential factors to generate sales in e-commerce. Hence, if you own an online store, you must have a good idea of the numerous types of e-commerce images. 

However, if you know when you should use which photography strategy, you’ll have a better conversion rate. Hence, first, you need to gain proper knowledge of the different types of product photography.

Moreover, we’ll also tell you why you should use these strategies and how you can take better photographs. Therefore, stay tuned till the end.

Types of E-commerce Images and When to Use Them

Photos are an excellent way to communicate with your customers in e-commerce. Moreover, it’s the best way to convince your customers to purchase the product.

However, having the wrong types of photos can lead you to lose sales. Therefore you should have a proper idea of the types of e-commerce images. This will help you to know when to use which kind of photos.

In order to ensure your product is being represented in a fair and flattering light, it’s important to choose a photography style that suits your product and brand.

While there are no right or wrong choices when it comes to style, understanding what each photography type offers will help you better understand how they impact shopper perceptions.

1. Table Top or Flat Lay Photography

Laying the product simply on a plain surface is the most basic type of product photography. The process is very simple. However, you need to do it in a professional studio, or else it won’t look good.

You can use a white background for it. Besides, you can do image retouching for giving the best look to your product.

Table Top or Flat Lay Photography

Best Usage: You can use flat surface photography for every kind of product. However, you should do this when you have a large e-commerce store, and you can afford professional photography.

2. Hanging Product Photos

Hanging your product can also be a great way to take images. It looks excellent. Besides, people usually will hang the product at their homes.

Therefore, they get an idea of how it is going to look in their closet. However, you also need to be aware of the background here.

Again, a professional-looking background will enhance the beauty of your images. Nonetheless, a single-color background will be best. Though people use white most of the time, you also can try different colors if they suit your product.

Product Hanging | Types of E-commerce Images

Best Usage: The best products for these photographs are clothes. That’s because people hang dresses in their closets. Therefore, you can hang the clothes and give your customers a better look at the product.

Neck joint photo editing techniques are often used to remove mannequins.

3. Product Alongside with Models

It’s one of the most popular types of e-commerce images. Let your human model wear the product or simply hold it. However, if you can hire any popular figure as your model, it increases the chance of conversion too.

Nonetheless, the good thing about this type of photography is you can do it anywhere. A professional studio will be a good choice.

Moreover, you can do this outdoors too. However, hiring a professional photo retoucher will be a great decision to get the best output.

Procuct Photography with Models

Best Usage: This is another option you can consider for all of your products. The best time to use models is for dresses, sunglasses, and other commodities that we wear.

Besides, for beauty products, you should use models. This way, you can show your potential customers how the beauty products will change their look. Hence, you can take a portrait photo retouching service to make it perfect.

4. Feature Callout to Hold a Story

Almost every good product has something special to offer to its customers. Besides, these features help your product to be unique. And people love special products that are different from others. Therefore you must showcase that feature.

Hence, give your customers a closer look at the feature you’re offering. However, the feature can be anything, including a new design of dresses or the special ability of any gadget.

Feature Callout

Best Usage: Some products are always upgrading. Besides, in those products, people also seek something new. These can include dresses, furniture, electronic devices, and many more. Therefore, for these kinds of products, you can use this style.

5. Lifestyle Procuct Showcase

Lifestyle product photography is also an excellent option. Besides, this provides your customers with real-life examples of the products. However, if you don’t know what it means, let us inform you. Lifestyle product photography is images of the product with real-life usage.

For example, if you’re selling sports headphones, then you can hire a model who will run outdoors wearing the headphone. That’s because it is how people will use the product. Again, if it’s a decorative item, you can place it where it will be used. Then take an image.

Lifestyle Product Photography

Best Usage: People purchase products for use. Therefore, every product has some kind of real-life usage. Hence, you can apply this strategy to almost every product.

6. Product Packaging or Packshoot Photogrphy

You also can show the packaging of your products. The product may come in a box or a bag. Therefore, you can grab some of them and take images to give an idea to your customers how they will receive the product. However, you can take photos of both a single package or multiple packages.

Best Usage: However, the ideal time to use this strategy is when you have unique packaging for your product. In contrast, if you use regular packaging, then avoid this one. Nonetheless, keep in mind, this is an addition to the original product images. That’s because people will want to see the product first, then the package.

7. Product Infographic

With infographic photography, you can show a lot of information about your product. Therefore, it has been very popular in recent times. Besides, consumers also like this as they can get an idea of all the features of the product easily.

However, you can take one or multiple photos of your product from different angles. Then mark out the key information. Again, ensure that the photos clearly show the feature you’re mentioning.

Product Infographic

Best Usage: Infographics are best for products with numerous features. To be more specific, electronic devices such as smartphones, monitors, laptops, etc., are an ideal choice. Besides, you can also use different uses of products through infographics.

8. 360 Degree Packshoot

Nowadays, 360-degree photographs are getting more people. It gives your customers a better look at the product. Besides, it’s a unique style that not everyone follows. Hence, you can tell your consumers that you’re different and you’re putting much more effort than others.

However, usually, e-commerce business owners capture photos of the product from different angles. But the world is upgrading. Hence, you can show everything in a 360-degree photo.

Best Usage: It’s a good option to consider for sports shoes, smartphones, small decorative items, or other products that people like to see from every angle. Also, keep in mind that not every regular camera can do this. Therefore, you should also be able to afford a 360-degree camera.

9. Close Up

Close Up eCommerce Photography

You also can take close-up shots of your products. The closer your consumer can see a product, the better they can get an idea of it.

However, one of the key things to keep in mind here is the photo should be of high resolution. That’s because if you’re providing blurry close-up shots, then your customers won’t like it. Close-up images are more about details. Therefore every detail should be crystal clear.

Best Usage: You can use close-up shots for fabric items. That’s because often people want to see the quality of the fabric. Besides, it also gives them a better look at the designs. Nonetheless, you also can use close-up photos where the details matter.

10. Production Process

Processing has long been used in product photography. Often the producers want to show how well they have produced the products. Therefore, you can take photos of your product when it is being prepared. Take the photos in multiple stages. Then use them to show your customers how careful you’re about your products.

Production Process

Best Usage: You can use it for organic products to tell your customers that it’s truly 100% natural. Besides, for beauty products and food items, it is also a great option.

Though there are a lot more ways to take photos of your products, these are the best. Most of the companies are using these strategies and seeing outstanding growth in sales.

Why Lerning Different Types of E-Commerce Images Matters?

You’ve got a pretty good idea about the different types of e-commerce images. However, you may ask why take so much trouble? Is it worth it? Are taking good photos matter?

Types of E-Commerce Images

Well, a lot of people have asked these questions before. Therefore, we’ve come up with the answer. The following are some advantages of taking professional images of your product for e-commerce business:

  • People can’t touch the product online. Therefore, they try to get proper ideas about the product by watching it. Hence, you should offer quality pictures to inform everything they need to know about the product.
  • E-commerce has been very popular lately. Besides, there’s a lot of competition in this sector too. Hence, if your competitors offer better photos and you don’t, then you’ll likely lose sales.
  • Professional photos are eye-pleasing. It helps you to convince your customers to purchase the product.
  • When people visit online stores, they try to gather as much as information they can about the product. Hence, if you fail to deliver info with a good photo, then they may bounce to other stores.
  • Moreover, if you upload photos that aren’t good-looking, people will have a bad idea of the product. They may think that the quality of the product isn’t up to the mark. In contrast, professional-looking photos will tell them the quality is excellent.
  • Offering good quality photos is one of the KPIs in e-commerce. You can visit some of the world’s top e-commerce sites to know how professional their photos are.

These were some of the major reasons you should take a good look at your product’s photos before you upload them.

Tips for Getting Better Photos

Many of you may think that it’s easy to capture good-quality photos. Get a camera, click, and some editing effects, and it’s done. Please stay there. That’s not how you produce professional product photographs. You have to consider a lot of things. But, the following are some tips to get excellent quality product photos for your online shop:

  • Research Well About the Product

If you want to tell the customer about your product, first you have to know about it well. Hence, research about the product. Then decide how you’re going to deliver the message through photos.

  • Hire a Professional Photographer

If you want professional-quality photographs, you need a professional photographer. An amateur will never be able to give you high-quality images. Yet, you can hire a good photographer within your budget. Nowadays, a lot of professional photographers are available in every budget range.

  • Use Different Strategies

Don’t follow one strategy for every product. Make it versatile and try different approaches. It improves the communication between the products and the customers.

  • Partner with a Professional Retouching Company

Even after excellent photography, it will must some retouching. Hence, for producing the final photo, partner with a professional retouching company. They’ll make your photo more appealing to customers.

Follow these strategies to produce excellent-quality photos for your business. And after that, see some incredible sales growth in your business.


If you can use these ten types of e-commerce images, then expect to see incredible sales. The world of business is upgrading.
Therefore, you also should upgrade your strategy too. Partnering with a retouching company and producing professional product images can be a great step

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